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积分: 254

发帖: 58 篇

在线时长: 5 天

1 楼    2012/8/21 5:58:30


海外实习计划是AIESEC 为学生提供的最深刻的跨文化工作及学习体验。

自2002 年起,近一千五百名中国学生通过AIESEC 走向世界,他们的实习内容涵盖管理、信息科技、教育和社会发展等等,实习时长从2 个月到18 个月不等。

波兰的发展类实习enter your future
Enter Your Future is a project organized by Junior Achievement together with AIESEC in Poland in order to give young students inspiration to be entrepreneurial, motivate them to do more, give them impulse to think, get to know their strengths and how to build on them and generate ideas. All of that will be happening during workshops in high schools in totally diversified multinational environment

One hundred twenty (120) international students from more than 15 countries will come to Poland to 15 LCs in February 2009 in order to run workshops about entrepreneurship in polish high schools. During 10 weeks of their stay they will conduct workshops in groups of 3 in 400 schools.
That gives us 28000 young pupils inspired and motivated while understanding the need of being entrepreneurial and culturally sensitive.

The intern will gain:
? Facilitating skills
? Training skills
? Auto-presentation skills
? Interpersonal skills
? Working in multicultural environment skills through
conducting workshops in groups of three.
? Insight on polish culture while being hosted by polish families
? Knowledge about entrepreneurship in general and in Poland
? Knowledge about generating ideas for business and transforming them into reality
? Emotional Intelligence training


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